About us:
Camrose and Area Adult Learning Council meets the foundational learning needs of adults in our community in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment. CALC is supported and funded by the Government of Alberta.
- Literacy or Academic Assessment
- Referral to Academic and Learning Supports and Services
- Skill Building in Basic Math, Reading Comprehension, and Writing
- Prep for High School Academic Upgrading Courses with Tutor Support
- CAEC (GED) Exam Preparation Course (Face to Face or Online)
- Basic Tech Courses
- English Language Learning in Reading, Writing, Speaking, or Listening
- IELTS Prep
Our Mission:
Empowering adult learners by providing quality programs and instruction.
Our Vision:
Discover, learn, create and achieve.
We Believe:
- All instruction begins with the adult learner’s goals.
- We provide a safe and caring learning environment.
- Removing barriers creates the pathway to success.
- Through hope we can reach all people.
- That in challenges lie opportunities.
- Supporting our community is fundamental to our existence.
Annual Community Event: Community Registration Night – September 4, 2025